
The Elephant/s Endowment Fund has been established for the long-term care of The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee’s current residents. Donations to the Elephant/s Endowment Fund are permanently restricted with the principal held in an investment account. A percentage of the annual interest growth is used for the elephant/s care.

Donations at the $50+ level receive

  • a photo and bio detailing the amazing story of the elephant you choose
  • a subscription to The Elephant Sanctuary's electronic news updates, EleNews
  • eligibility to apply for a Volunteer Day at The Elephant Sanctuary (read more here)

Individual Elephants Endowment funds are

Artie $1,075.00
Billie $49,843.39
Debbie $48,353.51
Donna $257.80
Edie $0.00
Flora $74,486.23
Minnie $43,546.95
Nosey $12,480.00
Osh $25,000.00     (2025 donation)
Ronnie $45,695.44
Sissy $256,398.23
Sukari $31,643.83
Tange $53,422.42
In Memory $1,159,020.20
Total 2023 Elephant/s Endowment Fund $1,776,223.00

*Updated annually with audited numbers
**Funds from former residents’ endowments provide support to current residents and those to come.

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