The costs of providing Sanctuary to elephants retired from performance and exhibition are large, and ongoing. Your generous investment in our mission through a monthly donation provides the stability our residents need and deserve.
Become a Sustaining Donor by setting up an automatic monthly charge of $10+ to your credit or debit card, and you receive:
- Monthly EleNews email updates
- Special quarterly updates from The Sanctuary
- Eligibility to apply for a Volunteer Day at The Elephant Sanctuary
- A one-year subscription to our triannual newsletter, Trunklines
- A one-time 10% discount on a future purchase of apparel in our Gift Shop
To set up a Sustaining Donor monthly payment through your checking account, or to make changes to your current monthly donation, dial Kathy at 931-796-6500 ext. 107.
Did you know that you may be able to double or triple your impact through your workplace? To see if your company matches donations visit