Mary A. "Toni" Malinchalk RN

Mary A.

In memory of our Mother, Mary Antoinette "Toni" Malinchalk, R.N. - Mom's passion and love for elephants enticed her to make an incredible journey in May of 1990 and fulfill her dream of a lifetime. She spent 3 weeks in Africa and was able to see the elephants in their natural habitat. She said it was the most magical moment of her life. Please help keep Mom's passion for elephants alive with a donation to "The Elephant Sanctuary" in Tennessee. This is a truly special place where elephants who have been living in captivity and chains (i.e., circus, zoos etc.) can live out the remainder of their lives roaming the tundra as the free-spirited creatures that they naturally are. Thank you for remembering Mom with your donation.

Honor Roll


Chuck & Angie Thompson
Oct 7, 2024
Indiana, US


Mimi & Dave Speth
Sep 30, 2024
Indiana, US


Al Maloof
Sep 23, 2024
Florida, US

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3 donors

Fundraiser created by
Angela Thompson


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