CUSTOM Adopt an Elephant

Because your company decided to Adopt an Elephant on your behalf, you are now a partner in The Sanctuary's efforts to provide the gift of home, herd, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life.

Adopt an Elephant donors receive:

  • a Certificate of Adoption, including a photo and bio detailing the amazing story of your “adoptee”
  • monthly EleNews email updates
  • the most recent issue of our triannual newsletter, Trunklines

After selecting the elephant you wish to adopt, and adding to cart, you must proceed to check out, but the cost is $0. You will receive an email with a link to your elephant's special webpage, where you can view and/or print the Certificate of Adoption.

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated at You can also learn about how to Become a Member or Feed an Elephant.

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